Monday, June 28, 2010


Landon had his MRI this morning. We were at the hospital at 630 and thankfully he slept better last night. They did not take him back until 830 so the poor thing was starving! We were able to go back with him and hold his hands while they used gas to put him to sleep. It was so hard watching our baby fight while the mask was on his face until he finally gave in. I believe tomorrow when they take him from me he will still be awake.

We are now waiting to meet with Dr Fearon. We also have appointments with Preop testing and education, an anthropologist, and media for a little photo shoot.

It has been a long day already but Landon seems to be feeling better today so it has not been too hard waiting with him inbetween appoinments.

We are being called back now!


mary_marshall said...

I am thinking about y'all & praying for you today! And of course I will be tomorrow as well. Please call or email me if you need anything (I hope Mere gave you my #)! I can't imagine how you are feeling & just hope that you are feeling everyone's prayers.

Liz said...

I found your blog from Kelly's Korner and wanted to let you know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. My son, who is also a twin, had metopicsynostosis. He had surgery at 9 months of age and did wonderful!! He is now 5 years old and you can only see a slight scar if his hair is short. I remember how scary and stressful this time is. I pray Landon does well and returns home quickly. Please email me if you have any questions at

stambaughfamily said...

We're praying God's blessing upon you, James, Landon and the Dr.s today! I'm sure it will be a hard day for all of you, but good things are ahead! We look forward to updates!