Wednesday, June 29, 2011

One year!

It has been a while, but in this case, that is a great thing. Today we are celebrating Landon's ONE YEAR anniversary since surgery. Landon has come so far in the past 12 months.... 

{7 Weeks Post Op}
He has healed wonderfully. He started walking just a few short weeks after surgery, while still looking like Charlie Brown. It wasn't long after that he was wrestling with his brothers again and being a typical toddler!

{2 Months Post Op}

Landon and Grayson turned one just two months after Landon's surgery. He partied like a rock star while we all celebrated the twins first year and Landon's recovery!

{3 Months Post Op}
By football season his scar was starting to become less noticeable. We were able to go places with less stares and his hair was beginning to cover his zig zag.

{4 Months Post Op}
 Landon was Thing 1 for Halloween and sported a blue do.

{5 Months Post Op}

{6 Months Post Op}
By the time Landon was 6 months post surgery, and 14 months old, there was no stopping him! He was running, jumping, and wrestling with his brothers as if he was not still recovering from surgery.

{7 Months Post Op}

{8 Months Post Op}

{9 Months Post Op}

{10 Months Post Op}

{11 Months Post Op}

Just a few short weeks ago, Landon went back for a somewhat routine MRI to monitor his Chair Malformation. His MRI came back completely normal and he is off the hook for a whole year! We could not be be more relieved and overwhelmed with the good news!

{1 Year Post Op}
Today we are celebrating these past 12 months. Yesterday Landon started his first day of preschool, and soon he will turn 2! We are so proud of our little firecracker!


asharma11 said...

Hi, Landon's Mom! I was hoping to get a little insight from you and feedback on your experience with Dr. Fearon. Our 18 month old daughter was just diagnosed last week with left lambdoid and metopic craniosynostosis with a deep chiari malformation. We are in Overland Park, KS, but are ready to travel to wherever to get her the best treatment possible as soon as possible. Dr. Fearon's name keeps coming up on the cranio support sites, and it sounds like you had a great experience with him. Would you be willing to chat briefly with my husband and me over the phone at some point so we can learn from your experience? We really appreciate it. My e-mail is Our home phone is 913-825-2641.

asharma11 said...

Hi, Landon's Mom,

Having a little difficulty leaving a comment, so I apologize if you already got this. In short, I am hoping you might be willing to share some insight from your experience with Dr. Fearon. Our 18 month old daughter was diagnosed with left lambdoid and metopic craniosynostosis along with a deep chiari malformation last week and we are working as quickly as possible to find the best possible treatment team for her. We're in Overland Park, Kan., but are ready to go wherever whenever to get her the best treatment possible. We would love to learn more about your experience with Dr. Fearon and his team if you are open to talking with us. Please just let me know either way. It sounds like it was a great experience and everyone is doing great. My e-mail address is and our home phone is 913-825-2641. Thanks so much in advance!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Landon's Mom! I am reaching out in hopes you might be able to share some insight from your experience with Dr. Fearon. I apologize if you've already received a blog comment from me, but I'm having trouble getting it to go through for some reason. Our 18 month old daughter, Sophia, was diagnosed last with with left lambdoid and metopic craniosynostosis with a deep chiari malformation (12 mm), and we are working as fast as possible to get her the best treatment possible. We're in Overland Park, Kan., but are ready to go wherever we need to. Dr. Fearon's name keeps coming up on the support sites, but I was hoping to learn more from someone who's been through it. Is there any chance you would be willing to talk with my husband and me on the phone so we could ask you a few questions about your experience? Please just let me know either way. My e-mail is Our home phone is 913-825-2641. Thanks so much in advance!