Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Right now our focus is getting insurance to cover the cost of Landon's Procrit injections. He will receive 3 shots, starting on June 10th, once a week until surgery. These injections will make Landon's little body produce more red blood cells.

Procrit is a man-made form of protein that helps your body produce red blood cells. Dr Fearon recommends that Landon receive these injections to increase his blood supply, so any blood loss during surgery, would be less detrimental. Our hope is that Landon will not require a blood transfusion, and this is one precaution that will reduce the chance of a transfusion.

Our insurance has just denied our second request for this shot. We are appealing once again and our praying for some coverage because this is a very expensive medicine.

Please pray, cross your fingers, rub a rabbits foot, whatever brings you luck, DO IT! ;)

Here is an article by Dr Fearon regarding the Procrit Injections.


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