Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A New Doctor

I found a wonderful support site called Cranio Kids. Through this site, I also found a new Doctor for Landon out of Dallas, TX. We originally had scheduled a 2nd opinion at the Mayo Clinic for April 22nd. After reading around on Craino Kid's message board, I kept seeing the name Dr Fearon out of Medical City Children's Hospital, and felt lead to check him out. I called his office yesterday, and was given his email, and plan to email him this evening. We also ordered extra copies of Landon's CT scan to send to him and a few to have on hand for other doctors if necessary. At this point, we are just trying to find the very BEST doctor out there for Landon. Because Lambdoid Synostosis is so rare, it is hard to find a doctor who has even done this type of surgery. From what I have read, Dr Fearon is one of the most, if not the most, experienced doctors when dealing with Craniosynostosis.

Please continue to pray for sweet Landon. I am still holding out hope that this is a misdiagnosis.

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